Why study medicine at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine?
People choose to study medicine for a variety of reasons. Some of them have safe and rewarding medical doctors’ careers in mind, while others plan to concentrate on particularly interesting areas of medical research. Whatever the aspiration, they are all driven by the same goal: how to help those who are sick and in need of help. Many students find it very difficult to enroll at a prestigious medical school in their home country or in places such as the US or the UK. Moreover, only a few of them can afford to study at an expensive institution of higher education.
A tradition of educating foreign students
The quality of medical studies at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine has been attracting students from around the world for decades. Since the period between the two World Wars, when the first foreign students started their education at the School of Medicine, more than 700 have earned their medical degrees here, coming from and returning back to practice in all parts of the world: US, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Germany, Greece, the former Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus, India, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Sudan, Israel, Jordan, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Nigeria, and many more. This tradition in foreign students’ medical education, as well as the global trend toward the internationalization of medicine, inspired us to start a new program entirely in English.
A modern and international school
Apart from the benefits of a big, cosmopolitan, yet reasonably priced and very relaxed city, studying medicine in English at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine, with its numerous teaching, research and clinical facilities, and a completely restructured and up-to-date curriculum, will certainly prove to be a good investment in every student’s education and future career opportunities.
Some of our advantages are:
- The development of a broad knowledge base through a unique mixture of traditional teaching and innovative approaches to medical education.
- The early integration of basic sciences, clinical disciplines and the psycho-social aspects of medicine.
- The integration of evidence-based medicine (EBM) skills into the curriculum. A long tradition and excellence in public health in Croatia provides a superb background for the teaching of evidence-based medicine.
- The development of life-long learning skills. Students learn early on that they are responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of their knowledge and skills.
- An emphasis on primary health care principles. The curriculum focuses on general primary care as its basis, emphasizing prevention and general concepts of primary health care.
- Opportunities for individual career development. The curriculum exposes students to multiple facets of medicine, allowing them to make career choices suited to them and the needs of the system in which they will work.
- An international outlook and multi-cultural dimension. The internationalization of medical education is designed to highlight the international dimension of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine. It also creates an opportunity for its students to assess their professional competence and performance throughout the world.
The early integration of public health and health management courses (which at other medical schools are usually studied at the postgraduate level). There are also integrated modules and problem-based learning.
Why zagreb?
Studying at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine may therefore be a reasonable alternative. Your studies will certainly be less expensive, but you will nevertheless receive top-quality teaching and training. These will give you a sound knowledge base to build upon while providing a unique opportunity for the development of your personal career choices. Finally, the pleasant atmosphere of a friendly and culturally diverse city will make your studies even more enjoyable
For prospective EU/Canadian students
Study Medicine in English in Croatia, Europe !
In the academic year 2003 University of Zagreb Medical School (UZMS) introduced a new 12 semester (6 year) Medical Doctor Study program in English. Graduates of the program are granted a diploma conferring the professional title of Doctor of Medicine (MD).
This program is entirely instructed in English, and is also designed so as to meet both American (USMLE) and European Union standards with its internationally accredited exams. UZMS also has working relationships with a number of university medical schools in Europe and North America, including University of Toronto, McGill, and the Mayo Clinic.
The University of Zagreb, founded in 1669, is the oldest and most distinguished institution of higher learning in South-East Europe. Its
Medical School, founded in 1917, has a long tradition of educating foreign students, so far over 700 foreign citizens have earned their medical degree in Zagreb. Graduates of UZMS have established private practices or found teaching positions in medical schools all over the world, including the U.S. and Canada. Currently, UZMS has students enrolled from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe, Australia, and Asia.
6-year program: candidates are expected to have graduated from a four-year high school with a solid basic knowledge in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and have a good knowledge of English. Candidates are required to take the entrance exam or SAT exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Beginning in 2005/2006 certain provincial governments in Canada recognized UZMS, and their residents are eligible to apply for provincial government student funding including for example OSAP, StudentAid BC and Alberta Student Aid. Please check with your home province for more information.
For further details about the study, visit our web pages or contact our student office.
For more information, contact
Medical Studies in English
University of Zagreb Medical School
Salata 3
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: + 385 1 45 90 268
Fax: + 385 1 45 90 268
E-mail: mse@mef.hr
For prospective US students
University of Zagreb Medical School:
Information for the Prospective Student
By: Ivo Bach
To study medicine in Zagreb is a once in a lifetime chance. Not only can you get your medical degree faster for a better price, but you also have the opportunity to experience some one of the world?s unique cultures and atmospheres. Studying medicine in Zagreb may be cheaper and faster, but it is defiantly not easier; It takes a lot of hard work and inspiration to get through the year. Which doesn’t mean that its all work and no play. Zagreb, and Croatia in general, is a very relaxed country where everybody takes time for themselves to relax and have a coffee with their friends, because after all student life is supposed to be one of the best times of a persons life. Many people still believe there is a war still going on in Croatia, this is absurd and I am sure you will conclude the same when you come here. I have noticed that Zagreb is a pretty safe city compared with the majority of US cities.
If you do not already speak the Croatian language there is a course in school which will provide you with basic knowledge and you will be able to do the basic necessities with the help of this course, but I would recommend private lessons so that you can integrate into society as fast as possible, it will make your studies and living in Croatia much easier.
I would recommend that you go to the Croatian embassy nearest to you, with proof that you have been accepted into the program, and have them issue a student visa before you get here. It is very helpful and time saving to have student visa secured at the local consulate before coming, since converting from visitor’s visa is not smooth.
Apartments here cost in the range of $300 plus utilities, but that’s if you know how to find one for a good price, many people are paying much more for their apartment and from my experiences it’s a waste of money. If you plan on studying here you should come a couple of months early to look through the apartment rental listings. You can check that out now on http://www.Oglasnik.hr , but usually the good apartments are taken within 4 days after they are listed sometimes much sooner; so it is recommended to take a whole day and look at apartments until you find one that is in a good price range.
The food in Croatia I think is amazing. It also doesn’t cost as much as food would cost in the US. Although you can eat in a restaurant every day, many students eat in the student cafe. After about a week after classes start you will receive a card called an X card, this card will give you 75% off on everything in the school cafeteria. one meal in the cafeteria costs about one dollar and the food is defiantly better than McDonald’s.
There are many options for relaxation as well. Many students play sports or go hiking. Traveling to other European countries is also very affordable and not very far either, not to mention traveling to other cities in Croatia. I recommend that you do not just stay in Zagreb but see other parts of Croatia, Zagreb is only one part of the whole beautiful country.
Most of the books you will need can be bought at a store here called Algoritam, but if you don’t have a problem with carrying some heavy books with you on the plane, it might be a little cheaper to but they over amazon.com. A USB stick is a very useful thing here, I use it to put all of the PowerPoint presentations on it after the lectures or seminars; this way you can go over everything at home after classes. Another thing which you will defiantly have to buy is a mobile phone. Everybody here has a mobile phone and it is very convenient when you need to contact someone for information about classes or get-togethers, usually everybody exchanges number within the first couple of days. You will also need to buy a lab coat here, it costs between 90 and 150 Kunas, so if one of your parents is a doctor, or if you can just get it cheaper there, then get one because there is no point in buying something you might already have.
As much as you want to get away from your parents, you will still need a way to keep in contact with them. Some methods which I found useful were Skype and Phone cards. Phone cards are very useful also if your parents want to call you, PhoneCroatia.com has phone cards with which you can call Croatia for 5.7 cents per minute.
It seems to be an increasing trend in US to study abroad. Quality of education and containing the cost are major considerations, but desire to expand the horizons and know different ways of living is another significant aspect. Zagreb with its renown medical school is an excellent combination of all of above.
Overall I am having a great time studying medicine here and I don’t regret coming here at all. The food is great, the school is great, the girls are great; and for girls, so are the guys ;-). Just organize yourself before school starts and you will make things a lot easier on yourself. If you have any further questions feel free to contact me.
– Ivo Bach
For prospective french students
In our Medical School, there is a significant community of French students coming from all around France who are now very satisfied to study and live in Zagreb.
If you are deeply motivated, good in English and interested to discover a new country and a new culture, you have the possiblity to come and join the Medical Studies in English Program. You will study with world reknown reference books, in small classes where the professor is able to answer the questions of each student and attentive to their own progressions.
For those of you who have done the first year of Medical School in France, the administration of Zagreb Medical School is aware of the particularities of the French system. According to the marks you obtained at the first year contest in France, and your classification, it is possible that you may be exempted from some courses, so the time you spent studying in France will not be lost. For this, it is important for you to have a good knowledge of English, and to have obtained passing grades in Biology, Biochemistry, Physics, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. Each individual application will be studied in detail.
Croatia has signed the Bologna convention, which means that the medical studies here are harmonised with the medical studies of the EU countries. Croatia has been a member of European Union since 2013, so the doctors are able to move freely from Croatia back to France. The medical knowledge learned in Zagreb is of course universal, and many students here are already preparing the USMLE, the ECN and other foreign exams.
Aux futurs étudiants français:
Il y a dans notre Faculté de Médecine un certains nombres d’étudiants français venant des 4 coins de l’hexagone qui aujourd’hui se plaisent a Zagreb.
Si votre niveau d’Anglais vous le permet, que vous êtes prêt a travailler avec motivation dans ce pays magnifique qu’est la Croatie et que vous vous sentez l’âme de découvrir une nouvelle culture, le programme “Medical Studies in English” proposés par l’université de Zagreb est pour sure une solution. Vous y étudierez avec des livres qui font référence au niveau international dans des classes où les professeurs sont disponibles pour répondre aux questions des étudiants et attentifs a leurs progressions individuelles.
Si vous avez effectues un ou deux PCEM1, sachez que l’administration de la Faculté de Médecine de Zagreb est au courant des particularités du système francais et, suivant les notes et le classement que vous avez obtenues au concours, il est possible que vous puissiez être dispensé de plusieurs matières. Ainsi votre temps passé en P1 ne sera pas perdu. Toutefois, pour ceci, il est important d’avoir un bon niveau en anglais, et d’avoir eu la moyenne en Biologie, Biochimie, Physiques, Anatomie, Histologie et Embryologie. Les candidatures seront revues au cas par cas.
La Croatie a signé le traité de Bologne, ce qui signifie que les études de médecine y sont harmonisés avec les pays de l’Union Européenne. La Croatie est membre de l'Union européenne depuis 2013, les médecins peuvent donc se déplacer librement de Croatie vers la France. Le savoir médical qui est enseigné ici et bien évidemment universel et de nombreux étudiants de notre université souhaitent d’ors et déjà préparer l’USMLE, l’ECN et les autres concours étrangers.
For prospective swedish students
Har du tänkt på att studera utomlands? Kanske medicin? Med tanke på den restriktiva antagningen till medicinstudier i Sverige kan medicinstudier på engelska vid universitetet i Zagreb kanske vara ett alternativ. Det finns redan en grupp skandinaviska studenter här nere. Undergraduate-studier i Kroatien, och i andra delar av Balkan, är välansedda, och Zagreb Universitet har anammat Bolognakonventionen, som samordnar Europas läkarstudier. Kroatien har varit en del av EU sedan 2013, vilket har gjort det lättare att söka jobb. Programmet har små klasser med en trevlig undervisningsmiljö, och bra och nära kontakt med professorerna. Du behöver kunna bra engelska och ha godkänt betyg i biologi, kemi och fysik. Språklektioner ingår i programmet för dem som inte kan kroatiska. Studielån från CSN är tillgängliga, och räcker långt i det billiga Kroatien.
Have you considered studying abroad? Medicine perhaps? Considering the restricted acceptance to medicine studies in Sweden, studies on English at the University of Zagreb might be an alternative. Here is already a small group of Scandinavian students. Undergraduate studies in Croatia, and other parts of the Balkans, are considered very good, and the University of Zagrebhas accepted the Bolognaconvention that coordinates European medical studies. Croatia has been a part of EU since 2013, which has made job seeking easier. The program has small classes with a pleasant teaching environment and good, close contact with the professors. You need to speak good English and have pass grades in biology, chemistry and physics. Language lessons are included for those who do not speak Croatian. Study funding from CSN are available, and will last long in low-priced Croatia.
Student Housing
Students will have to organize accommodation on their own, i.e. look for private rental accommodation. Rents vary greatly according to location, room size, facility etc. Overhead expenses are sometimes included in the price, and sometimes are paid by the consumer. Payment is usually expected at the beginning of the month, while some landlords request payment for several months in advance.
There are two ways to rent a room/flat:
• Send an email/check the offer of the following real estate agencies that are available online:
- Zagreb West
- Web: http://www.zagrebwest.hr/en/
- E-mail: info@zagrebwest.hr
- Rost d.o.o.
- Web: http://www.rost.hr/
- E-mail: info@rost.hr
Look for/run an advert in a newspaper or in the classified ads e.g. „Plavi oglasnik“ or at http://www.oglasnik.hr/ or http://www.njuskalo.hr/ or http://www.crozilla-nekretnine.com/.
Examples of prices: Single room with shared kitchen and toilet – 100 – 150 Euros per month; Studio apartment – 200 Euro per month.
If you prefer private accommodation and would like to live in a rented flat, before choosing a nice one, you might want to spend some time in a hostel. Therefore, we suggest youth hostels.
Visa & Health Insurance & OIB
Visa and residence permit regulations
The visa can be obtained from the Croatian Embassy or Consulate before entering the country. To get the student visa you need to present the letter of acceptance from the University.
When arriving in Croatia please ask the border custom officer to stamp the passport.
In case you do not enter Croatia with a student visa (even if you don’t need o¬ne for Croatia as a tourist) you cannot apply for a residence permit which entitles you to stay in Croatia for a longer period of time.
Temporary residence permit regulations:
All prospective students who are not Croatian citizens are obliged to report their staying in Croatia to the police within 48 hours upon their arrival.
If you stay at a hotel or hostel, their staff will report for you.
You will need the following documents:
• Passport (stamped when entering Croatia)
• Form 8a – registration of residence
• A proof of accommodation (If you are renting an apartment, you should bring a proof of ownership or officially attested lease)
Students who are not obliged to possess a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia may stay in the Republic of Croatia for maximum 90 days within a period of 6 months, starting from the day of their first entry – Article 43(1) and (2) of the Aliens Act (Official Gazette No. 79/07 and 36/09).
► THE FIRST TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT should be requested at the competent diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Croatia in your country (Article 48(1) of the said Act).
You will need the following documents:
- form A1 (http://www.mup.hr/UserDocsImages/Dokumenti/stranci/Obrazac%201a.pdf)
- 2 photos 3 x 3,5 cm
- Birth certificate (and photocopy)
- valid passport (and photocopy)
- documentation of at least 1000 kuna per month during the year
- a proof of accommodation in Zagreb (certified by Public Notary – javni bilježnik)
- health insurance valid in Croatia for at least 3 months
- confirmation of enrolment at a higher education institution in Croatia
- criminal background check from your national law enforcement agency
Students who already have the temporary residence permit and need to prolong it, have to submit their requests for prolongation one month before the expiry date of the permit at the latest.
All documents in a foreign language have to be translated and certified by a court interpreter for Croatian language
For additional information, a contact-person is:
Mrs. Snježana Vitas
Tel. + 385 1 45 63 623
Health insurance
All students have to be insured while staying in Croatia.
- You can buy insurance policy that covers your stay in Croatia
- You can apply for medical insurance at Croatian Medical Insurance Agency (HZZO):
Klovičeva 1, 01 2359-555 and 2359 502
• Please check information at: http://www.hzzo-net.hr/03_03_05_eng.php
Maybe there is a convention between Croatia and your Country
You will need:
- form T2
- the photocopy of the first page of your passport and the visa page (temporary residence permit)
- a proof of accommodation (correct address)
- an identification number (OIB number)
The monthly cost is approximately 405 kunas
Students who need to choose their primary health care physician can contact Multidisciplinary Counseling Service
- Vera Musil, MD, PhD
- Tea Vukušić Rukavina, MD, PhD
- Dragan Soldo, MD
- Danko Relić, MD
- Martina Sokač-Grgec, nurse
ADDRESS: Šalata 4 (ground floor-left), 10 000 Zagreb
WORKING HOURS (Monday – Friday):
Even dates – afternoon: 1.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m.
Uneven dates – morning: 7.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
Phone (during working hours): 01 4590 297
Appointment booking: e-mail: studamb@mef.hr
Requirements for medical consultation: vaccination card and relevant medical documentation.
OIB number
OIB = personal identification number.
You will get it by the Police when registering your temporary residence in Croatia for the first time or at Tax Administration, Avenija Dubrovnik 32.
OIB field is a mandatory field in the School’s inf. system and the enrolment is not possible without it.