13th International Bone Morphogenic Protein Conference (October 8 – 12, 2022)
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Scientific Center of Excellence for Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine are organizing 13th International Bone Morphogenetic Protein Conference in Dubrovnik, from 8th to 12th of October 2022. The BMP Conference was established by Hari Reddi in 1994, at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore.

The Conference is organized to have several plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster presentations and harmonized open discussions, all will provide an opportunity for the participants to share information related to current and future scientific research, exchange new ideas and establish the scientific collaboration. The detailed program you can find at the following link http://cerrm.hr/wp-content/uploads/BMP_Conference_Program_16092022.pdf .
More information please find at the official web page: http://cerrm.hr/13th-bmp-conference.